Shortcuts (please read the info below first)


Hey Everyone!
I have set up some Google Classrooms (an online classroom) for our Kids Church groups. This will allow us to provide you with the resources you need to run a mini church in your home with your kids. Helping them to engage with God’s word at their level while you engage at an adult level through the sermon!
Each Sunday there will be a Family Spot in the churches online service, then after you have watched that as a family there will be some fun resources, age appropriate thinking questions (you may want to leave these until after the sermon so you can help if you have little kids), craft or colouring activities and some challenges for the week!
Here’s a link to Google Classroom (Or Just type Google Classroom into your internet search bar)
Then type in the following class code depending on your child’s age.
  • Kindling class code: aytqtv5
  • Spark class code: gymhep7
  • Ignite class code: yurolib
It may be fiddly to set up the first time but it should be super easy after that!
You may find it helpful to create a google account for you kids or use your account that only you know the password to so you can monitor the account and their use of other google tools.
You can use one account to join all the classes you have kids in and access each class separately through different devices at the same time.
If you have any problems let me know and I’ll help as best I can!
If you could join the class as soon as possible so you can print of the resources the kids will need before the services starts on Sunday morning, that would be great! And that way I can help you if you have any troubles, I won’t be able to on Sunday!
Blake Peisley, 
Kids Minister